Friday 21 August 2009

Miss Universe Australia Rachael Finch ready to rule

Miss Universe Australia Rachael Finch ready to rule

IT'S a long way from the tarmac of Townsville Airport, where model agent Henry Petersen first met Miss Universe Australia Rachael Finch, to the Bahamas.

However, things reach a climax on Monday morning - tomorrow night Caribbean time - when the next Miss Universe is announced.

It could be the culmination of a remarkable five-year journey, The Daily Telegraph reports.

Five years of catwalks, of painstakingly developing her physique and speaking skills, of drinking two litres of water a day, of no carbs, no alcohol. Five years of hard grind.

But Petersen knows that his 21-year-old girl is a thoroughbred.

"Bart Cummings got 12 Melbourne Cup winners but not with two weeks training," he said.

During those five years, Rachael's family has watched her transform from a leggy, athletic teenager with gravel rash on her knees into a glamorous international model intent on Hollywood stardom.

With mother Colleen Zablocki coaching her as a young hopeful, she would try out catwalk moves and poses they saw on TV.

"She would get ideas from those movies - if we saw something with modelling we'd talk about it together. It was 'Try this or try that'," Ms Zablocki said.

Since 2005, when Finch was runner-up in Miss Indy, she has worked her way up to bigger competitions and bigger contracts.

At home, she would get up at 7am, swim 6km and come home for a healthy breakfast of bran, yoghurt and fruit.

"I'll never forget that because I used to look at it and think, 'Oh yuck'," Ms Zablocki recalled this week.

Finch would then check news sites to develop her general knowledge and fit in a gym session in between modelling or work.

She now works out for 1 1/2 hours a day, five days a week.

"Even at home she'll lie on the floor, she'll do all her stretching, her sit-ups and push-ups," Ms Zablocki said.

"Or she'll go for a run or she'll swim. It is always something."

In 2008, Finch entered the Miss Universe Australia competition in Townsville with 48 hours notice, winning the local heat but failing to make the top 10 in Melbourne.

The sultry look and sexy walk were already there but Finch was carrying too much "puppy fat" to make the grade.

Since that disappointment she has taken her regime to another level - eating for her blood type and taking on a personal trainer to get her body toning "spot on".

"I'd say eight hours a day would be her preparation," Ms Zablocki said. "If I tried to call her in Sydney it was, 'Mum, can I call you back? I'm going for a fitting, I've got a hair appointment, or I'm doing some yoga'."

After her Miss Australia win in April, Finch did a three-week course in TV presentation to polish her speech and delivery style.

Getting to the level required of the Miss Universe finals is not for every model.

But Petersen believed that Finch had the drive to achieve the dream.

"It is there if she wants it," Petersen said.

"I don't believe any other entrant would have her experience in the way of the world, docos, TV commercials, compering, all this sort of stuff.

"If she can take that to the stage on (Monday) and deliver it 100 per cent, I believe she will be our next Miss Universe winner."

He has seen plenty of models give it all away by too much partying, being unreliable with booking agents or dumping their prospects for a man.

"Boyfriends can ruin careers. They get jealous," he said.

Finch is going steady with radio announcer Angus O'Loughlin, a man who apparently understands the pressures of the job.

Now she is on the verge of emulating Jennifer Hawkins, who launched a successful modelling and presentation empire on the back of her Miss Universe win.

Chadwick Model Agency managing director Martin Walsh said not every model was suitable for the competition. He said there was

an opportunity cost for every entrant, with Finch's reported unhappiness over her three-year contractual obligation to the pageant well-publicised earlier this year.

"It's very different to your modelling career," he said.


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