Friday, 2 October 2009

Baby Doll does not want to dance

Baby Doll does not want to dance

Baby doll Deepal Shaw’s bold and beautiful dancing moves in kabhi aar kabhi paar certainly aar-paar the audience’s hearts. And in spite of doing intense de-glam roles in serious films like A Wednesday and Kalyug, all these years, she is still remembered for the same.

When the news broke that she is paving her way into films, it was expected of her to do something as bold and beautiful as that in her previous album. This apparently peeves the doll and she blames media for this. “It is because media have been constantly stressing on those videos until today. I have done many offbeat roles in the films like Kalyug, Wednesday, but that were never hyped as much as the videos. As media is only interested in showing glamour they do not give sufficient coverage to the serious work that I have been doing in the films,” she laments.

But this does not bother her, as long as her directors show faith in her talent. “Directors with whom I have worked consider me a serious actor. If I were mere dancing doll why would I be given such serious roles? It’s not my deliberate attempt to refrain from dancing in the film though I am sure if I do one I will get that hype, but I would do only if it’s a part of my character, as I am very serious about my acting career as of now,” she justifies.

Darling people remember you for the thing that you are good at

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