Monday 13 July 2009

The "Harry Potter" and "Twilight" Connection

The "Harry Potter" and "Twilight" Connection

Unless you are some kind of off-the-grid wacko, you should know by now that the American premiere of "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" is this Wednesday, July 15. Long before I was a TwiNut I was a Harry Nut (and if you snickered at that you are sooo immature). I've got enough crazy fangirl in me that I can love both.

Many connections exist between the two fantastical universes. Rob Pattinson played hunky Hufflepuff Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire." Jamie Campbell Bower joins Rob as the only other actor to be a part of both movie series; he'll play Caius in "New Moon," as well as the young Gellert Grindelwald in "Deathly Hallows," the final book of the Harry Potter saga. And of course, there is the inevitable comparison between the success of Stephenie Meyer to J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series.

Being a Harry Nut, I've been reading and watching all the coverage of "Half-Blood Prince," and am pleased to bring you some fun bits where the HBP cast talk about Rob Pattinson and "Twilight."

Emma Watson tells that Rob "is a super nice guy...I'm really happy for him that he's gone on to be so über successful." Of his fame, she notes, "I hope he's doing okay. It's gotta be tough."
Emma Watson and Rob PattinsonTom Felton, who has been rumored to be in consideration to play "Riley" in "Eclipse," revealed to J-14 that if it came to a showdown between Edward Cullen and Draco Malfoy, Draco wouldn't fare too well: "I think Edward's got me there, man! Draco's a wimp, man! He's got no chance against that guy!" But Tom, Draco can Stupefy Edward! And just think what a Slug-Vomiting Jinx would do to a vegetarian vampire. It's a fun interview--find out if Tom really can eat 90 McNuggets.
[I will add it as soon as I can get this widget to start working again, promise!]

Daniel Radcliffe tells that "Rob Pattinson is a sex symbol. Rob Pattinson is a genuine sexy guy. He's got the height." He adds, "If girls like short and nerdy, then I'm a sex symbol!" Although Rob may have a bit of competition in the six-pack department--check out these photos of a very un-Harry-ish Dan in the stage production of "Equus" and of Rob in "New Moon." Holy hip flexors, Batman, what's in that English water?!

Daniel Radcliffe in "Equus"Rob Pattinson in "New Moon"
At the June 29 London premiere of "Public Enemies," Jamie Campbell Bower talks about his "New Moon" co-stars Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Michael Sheen, as well as his role as Grindelwald in "Deathly Hallows." He jokingly refers to himself as a "franchise whore," but I beg to differ--Jamie, you are just one very lucky and talented dude!
[video goes here]

Here's a bit from a panel interview with the HBP cast, where Dan and Tom Felton talk about "Twilight" and Rob. Dan's thoughts on the two franchises is interesting: "It's the only other franchise, really, which comes close to 'Potter,' in terms of the mania that surrounds it, the attention that the leads get, and just how global it is." Dan, Tom, and producer David Heyman--who have yet to see "Twilight"--may have to head over to Dan's for a viewing.

The Wall Street Journal has a lengthy piece which examines the "rivalry" between the "Harry Potter" and "Twilight" franchises. I don't really agree that many teens have completely left the world of HP for "Twilight"--I think most are big fans of both. The stories are rather different, so the comparisons between the two series don't always make sense. "Twilight" is definitely more of a romance made complex by the dangers presented, whereas "Harry Potter" has more complicated themes concerning good vs. evil, friendship and loyalty, choices in life, and sacrifice.


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