Sunday, 2 November 2008

Music Review 'RNBDJ' Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi Movie

Music Review 'RNBDJ' Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi Movie

Given the backdrop of the worldwide financial crisis, via the song “Haule Haule” from RNBDJ, the ultimate craftsman, Adi has captured the mantra of our times. “Haule Haule” the once so called “socially awkward” Chinese and Indians have today become a dominant force in the world. A journey of a million miles was accomplished “Haule Haule” one step at a time. The song celebrates a turning point, it is a departure from the past into a new stable future. It is bye bye to the fast lane and hello to the slow and the steady, i.e. “Haule Haule”. The house that once made us appreciate Switzerland and Silk Shiffon Saris is now showing us our desi country side and the clothes and lives of ordinary citizens. “Haule Haule” shows us how extraordinary we really are. Just like CDI apart from being a good sports movie was no less than a Bandini or a Sujatha ( a women empowerment movie) of the modern era, it appears that, Adi Chopra, via RNBDJ and “Haule Haule” is giving us not just good entertainment, but is also empowering the ordinary folks that make up India.

“Haule Haule” is a sweet and charming song. The music reminds one of the music of old maestros of yester years. It is rich in flavor yet very uncomplicated in texture (i.e. it is simple). The same can be said of the lyrics also. Yet out of these simple ordinary elements emerges an extra ordinary listening and visual experience. SRK as a simpleton is as different, and as refreshing, as he was as Kabir Khan in CDI. I urge you all to take a moment to admire how effortless and natural he is in a shot that requires tremendous effort and coordination (as it is shot in one single continuous sequence). SRK in the segment that we see is Grace personified. Clearly on first view it appears that RNBDJ is the new age DDLJ.

The BO potential of the song is very good, but cruel it would be to say that this song will make more money than Lil C’s whole movie, Daraaouna, i.e. including all the songs of that disastrous movie. I do not aspire to that level of cruelty, and hence my friends, be witness to the fact that I took the high road, and made no claims that this song will make more money than Lil C’s Daraaouna. I say, do not kick a dead horse, and his equally dead and lame father. Unfortunately my taking the high road (which I never waver from) does not change the price of eggs in Belgium. The Bachanistas (some masquerading as AK fans) will be out there trying to undermine this simple but charming song. Some will try to disparage the location of the song, some will try to pick apart the lyrics, while some will try to knock down the music. The good news is that all the Bachchanistas, all over the world, even collectively cannot do diddle squat. They have said the same things before, have tried the same old tricks before, but have failed. They said, the music of Veer Zaar will not sell and yet it was a major hit. They said the music of OSO was boring , and yet just the song “Dewaangi Dewaangi” from OSO made more money than Big B’s Aaag. Remember collectively the Bachchanistas could not stop CDI or its music from becoming a national passion. Therefore rather than argue with S S Sunderum, Akshay Shaggo and Dr Dang, just tell them to go back to Bhonsala Military School (Nashik India), because we are on to them. Tell them that today the whole world is on to them.

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