Thursday 20 August 2009

Rupali Guha

Rupali Guha

Daughter of Basu Chatterjee, and a well-known producer of the small screen- Rupali Guha has stepped into big screen. She will be making her directorial debut with Aamras with four newcomers (girls) stepping into acting.

Rupali definitely has come a long way from assisting her father to production of serials. However, like an obedient student she even today rushes back to her father for suggestions. Rupali recalls, "I had to rewrite the entire script of Aamras, because dad expected more of me as a writer, since he has been encouraging me to write." She goes on to add, "So I rewrote the entire script and showed it to him. He still wasn't satisfied. I kept it there and went ahead with the second version. He took it in a right spirit, understanding that difference in ideas is bound to happen because of two distinct creative minds."

So, did he like the overall film, was what we wanted to know next. And there came a big 'yes' from her end. "Of course, he loved the film," exclaims Rupali. All's well that ends well, right Rupali?

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